Wanna be slim and attractive like models and actors,then this post is only for you guys,
Here is some diet tips for you,
So,let's start..................................

So start with the morning ......
( 5:30 - 7:30 am) -
                                Waking up from bed you should fresh your face and should do some exercises.
                                 Then drink green tea,1 or 2 fiber added biscuits,then eat an egg and  a bowl of

(10:00 - 11:30 am)  -    
                             In this time period  you have to fill your hungry stomach with healthy foods which
                             make your body energetic for the day.You can eat simply 1-2 bananas ,orange                                        juice,apple.
(1:00-2:30 pm)       -
                            Now the launch time.You have to remember that you are in a diet so don't eat many
                             food  nor less.You have to eat healthy and low calorie foods which digest easily                                   and also gain no unnecessary fat into your body.You can eat some vegetables like                                 carrot,tomatoes etc,also a bowl of hot  chicken soup and fresh water.
(4:30 - 6:30 pm)     -
                            You can drink  coffee or a cup of  tea with fiver added biscuits (2),after 30 minutes  
                             you can consumes a small piece of chocolate which makes your mind free.Avoid                                 soda and sugar.

(8:00 - 9:00 pm)    -
                           Now this the dinner time.You can consumes low calorie foods like chicken,eggs,
                           beans,and a bowl of  vegetable   soup.
(10:00-10:30 pm)  -  
                            Simply drink a glass of milk and keep yourself calm for a fresh sleep.

                                                             And also remember our body made of 70 of water , So drink                                                                   10-12 glass of water per day.   

Thank you for watching this,if you have a strong routine than this then please please tell me in the comment box.                       
